A blissful moment of internet discovery led us to Mt. Joy, a five-piece indie rock band from L.A (Matt Quinn, Sam Cooper, Sotiris Eliopoulos, Jackie Miclau, and Michael Byrnes).

They did in fact remind us of the nostalgic choral sound of the Lumineers so it comes as no surprise that they are currently supporting them on tour. And Elton John – do you hear that?!

They are the kind of band we’d have raved about whilst listening to on headphones in borders back in our teens (like the Shins or Modest Mouse).

Their sound is very loveable and relatable, it takes you right back to a coming of age moment, making you feel like you have the world at your feet.

We’re sure they will be soundtracking a lot of movies and tv shows too. Listen to ‘Stranger,’ our new favourite on the playlist.

Don’t forget to get their album ‘Rearrange Us’ on June 5th and if you’re eager to hear more then catch them on their North American tour.

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