Both Bieber’s haters and fans will enjoy this image transformation. If you don’t approve of the teenager’s success, then watch his boxing ring defeat. For fans, photographer Tony kelly made sure the star still looks pretty with blood (ketchup) and scars. The editorial is hinting that Justin is not the scrawny boy we first met but instead a tough man ready to take the hit. Kelly has shot campaigns for American Apparel, Mini Cooper and Playboy.
Soundtrack: 90’s rapper, Canibus (not to be confused with cannabis) singing Second Round K.O
Nice. Interesting to read about Justin Bieber’s image transformation. Maybe for a change of roles?
I’m sure they are psyching him up to feature in a fighter film !
I’m sorry, I used to poke fun at the Bieber, but I watched his documentary and he blew me away, he seems like he’s just a super talented and funny person that deserves to be a star and should get more respect for what he can do. This shoot seems pretty high impact and fun. Thanks for the post!
I am sure a lot of people would like to see Bieber in this state.
I am afraid to say I found this video cringey.. sorry admirers of the Bieber.
Good post, as always 🙂